10 Special table manner

Source: http://home.bt.com/lifestyle/food/food-latest/a-guide-to-table-manners-are-you-using-your-knife-and-fork-properly-11364012098565
Here comes to our 8 blog, in this particular blog we are going to introduce you some special table manner that you may not know them so far. Those table manner might not in one specific country but all around the world. We have provide 10 points to surprise you.


In Afghanistan, if your bread falls off from table you must pick it up and kiss it. To their traditional, bread is a sacred food, one must lifted and kissed in respect if the bread dropped.

2.      Mexico

Taco is one of their famous traditional food. While you are eating taco in Mexico, you should not using any cutlery to eat. In their cultural, this action seems to be fool and snobbish.

Definitely, you won’t want to be a snobbish visitors to them.

3.      Brunei

While you are invited to have dinner with local Brunei family, usually they won’t not concern on how much you eat and never ask about how is the taste of food. In their opinion, if they ask their guests these question is consider as impolite.  

But still, if they notice that foods is not enough they will automatically add on the food.

4.      Spain

Having meal in some places of Spain, you may notice waiters throw the trash like bones, papers, napkins and food debris on the floor. It does not mean that they don’t use garbage bin, it actually refer back to 19 century an old tradition. The more trash you got on the floor shows that you have more clients.


5.      Japan

In Japan, you should not pass the food using chopstick.  Because they only do that in Buddhist funeral ritual when a person does and cremated.  

6.      Greece

Before napkins have invented, Greece using bread to wipe their greasy hand after having meal. The piece of bread called ‘apomagdalia’, it can be thrown with other scraps on the floor for the dogs.

7.      Zambia

You should not paused you meal in Zambia. Once you start eating, don’t paused you meal and thinking about continue eating later. It is an offensive action for their table manner.

Besides, you should never ever ask them about what is the ingredient needed for cooking the food. They would thought that you are suspect that the food is on poisoned.

8.      Russia

A tips for you: If you are tend to bring flower or gift to people who invited you to their place, make sure they are odd number.

Most important for you is not to turn down vodka that offered by Russian and also not to mix your Vodka with anything, not even ice. Offering someone to drink is sign of trust and friendship, it’s better for you to accept it. As for adding ice in Vodka may see as pollution for the drink.

9.      Tanzania / Japan

In general, you don’t arrive advance while you having dinner with other people. In Tanzania cultural, you should arriving late at least 15 minutes to 30 minutes.

Give you a culture shock, while you going for Japanese place for having dinner, it’s good to delay one hour. Even though their famous culture is be punctuation all the time.  

10.  South America

In South America, such as Peru, Chile, Argentina and Bolivia have a ritual called ‘ch’alla’. Spilling a few drops of their drink on the ground and saying ‘para la pachamama’ to pay respect to Pachamama the Andean goddess of fertility and harvest. Furthermore, to make an offering, some tip their glass over, while others flick it with two fingers.
